Pope Nicholas V


Dedicatee id
Pope Nicholas V
Record last updated
21 October 2024
As regards Appian's Roman History, Pope Nicholas V commissioned to Pier Candido Decembrio the translation of the entire work. However, at his death in 1455, the humanist re-dedicated the books "De bellis civilibus" to Alfonso of Aragon King of Naples.

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Items with "Dedicatee: Pope Nicholas V"
Title Class
Historia Romana (liber Libycus, Syrius, Parthicus [pseudo-Appianean], Mithridaticus, libri [5] De bellis civilibus, liber Illyricus, liber Celticus) Latin Translation Resource
Cecilia Sideri, "Pope Nicholas V", in Vernacular Culture and Greek Texts in Renaissance Florence: a Database of Florentine Vernacularizations of Greek texts (c. 1460-1500), [https://vergreer.warwick.ac.uk/s/vergreer/item/3775]. Accessed on December 12, 2024

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